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Newsletter #16
June 26th, 2024
Dear all,

After an intense evaluation round, the results of our 2024 equipment and PhD grants are finally out! While you discover which projects have been selected, don't forget to take advantage of the opportunities here below, and especially :
👉Event: visit three of our labs in the Evry campus during the JNBB on July 5th
👉Training: get access to ISCT cell manufacturing course with BioConvS
👉Scientific outreach: apply until July 1st to our next masterclass to learn how to include outreach in your project applications!

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We hope to see you at one of these events before the summer break. If not, enjoy your well-earned vacations and see you all in september!
BioConvS trainings
How to include outreach in your scientific projects
Join our 5th Scientific Communication Masterclass
Recent research support mechanisms, whether at the national level (ANR) or European level (Horizon Europe program, Erasmus , COFUND, etc.), increasingly include an outreach and dissemination component, including towards the general public. With equal scientific excellence, this component is one of the elements that can determine the success of a project.
On July 5th at 9h

Register before July 1st!
Get free access to the ISCT Advanced Cell Therapy Manufacturing and Regulatory Course
We are delighted to annouce that BioConvS has initiated a partnership with the Intenational Society for Cell Therapy (ISCT) in order to offer to our members access to the ISCT network and training material!
BioConvS will offer, throughout the duration of the DIM program, up to 10 individual yearly licenses of our Basic Lab Membership to members of its community. This notably includes the Advanced Cell Therapy Manufacturing and Regulatory Course, and much more!
Learn more and apply
Not to miss
#JNBB 2024: visit Genethon, I-Stem and ART-TG with BioConvS
One of the main missions of BioConvS is to catalyze collaborations between its laboratories. In this spirit, we have organized, in collaboration with Genopole, Genethon, I-Stem, and ART-TG, a visit and meeting at their facilities in Evry-Courcouronnes to discover these leading ĂŽle-de-France players in gene and cell therapy.
July 5th
Learn more and register
Discover the 2024 DIM laureates
The results of our 2024 calls are out!
4 PhD candidates (who will perform their project between two labs each) and 15 labs received funding thanks to our 2024 PhD and Equipment grants calls.
Browse the abstracts of the funded project and start brainstorming for collaborations to apply to the 2025 wave!
Read more
Apply to Genopole's Shaker program #15
The Shaker is a six-month cocktail of Science and Business to transform your biotech project into an innovative start-up. The program is intended for holders of disruptive and promising projects in innovative therapies, industrial biotechnologies and computational genomics
Learn more and apply
Apply to until July 21st is a programme that speeds up the process of obtaining initial financing or signing a first commercial agreement. Applicants can be biotechnology companies (post-POC) seeking investors or business partners in biotherapy, bioeconomy, digital genomics
Learn more and apply
PEPR Biotherapies’ first call for projects is still open
The aim of this call for proposals is to support original and innovative research projects on the PEPR’s 4 axes:
👉Anticipating the growth and industrial-scale manufacture of cell therapies and the emergence of tissue therapies (regenerative medicine);
👉Accelerating the deployment of gene therapies;
👉Developing engineering for biotherapies and bioprocesses;
👉Supporting emerging fields in biotherapies.
Learn more
đź“…Deadline : 5 september 2024
The call will finance TRL 1 to 4 projects, composed of at least three research teams, with a maximum duration of 4 years and a budget of between €1 and €2.5 million per project.
SESAME FEDER still open
This call for projects, with 14 to 16 million euros of European funds, aims to support, develop and create structuring equipment such as research platforms open to SMEs. Eligible candidates: public or private non-profit research organizations and higher education and research establishments, scientific cooperation foundations and foundations recognized as being of public utility, SMEs, competitiveness poles, clusters and technical centers.
Learn more
Might interest you
Conférence Thérapies innovantes et combinatoires #3
This conference will aim to explore ways to optimize innovative therapies by improving their delivery and targeting in order to specify their effects and facilitate the implementation of effective combinatory approaches.

When: 2 July 2nd from 10h to 16h30
Where: Bâtiment IBGBI, 23, Boulevard de France, Evry 91000 Évry-Courcouronnes
Learn more and register
Job opportunities
1-year postdoc – developing filtration and fractionation methods in a membrane encapsulating thermoplastic chip in Hugo Salmon's lab at UPCité. Learn more

The Translational Research in Experimental Corneal Surgery Laboratory (TREX), headed by Eric Gabison, at the Fondation Adolphe de Rothschild, is offering a position for a research engineer in biotechnology. A permanent contract may be offered subsequently. Learn more
Join BioConvS
Census of BioConvS labs
Starting January 2024, all labs affiliated or wanting to participate in a DIM BioConvS activity will have to be registered. Why? Most importantly because we want to build a cartography of biotherapy, bioproduction and synthetic biology in Ile-de-France and you want to make sure that you're on it!
Fill in the affiliation form
SAVE THE DATE: November 28th 2024
We're excited to announce that the second annual symposium of the DIM BioConvS will be held on November 28th! Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

Recent publications
Do you want to see your paper featured in our next newlsetter? Write to

Cocco, S., Posani, L., Monasson, R., 2024. Functional effects of mutations in proteins can be predicted and interpreted by guided selection of sequence covariation information. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 121, e2312335121.

Moiani, A., Letort, G., Lizot, S., Chalumeau, A., Foray, C., Felix, T., Le Clerre, D., Temburni-Blake, S., Hong, P., Leduc, S., Pinard, N., Marechal, A., Seclen, E., Boyne, A., Mayer, L., Hong, R., Pulicani, S., Galetto, R., Gouble, A., Cavazzana, M., Juillerat, A., Miccio, A., Duclert, A., Duchateau, P., Valton, J., 2024. Non-viral DNA delivery and TALEN editing correct the sickle cell mutation in hematopoietic stem cells. Nat Commun 15, 4965.

Pedrazzoli, E., Demozzi, M., Visentin, E., Ciciani, M., Bonuzzi, I., Pezzè, L., Lucchetta, L., Maule, G., Amistadi, S., Esposito, F., Lupo, M., Miccio, A., Auricchio, A., Casini, A., Segata, N., Cereseto, A., 2024. CoCas9 is a compact nuclease from the human microbiome for efficient and precise genome editing. Nat Commun 15, 3478.

Calvanese, F., Lambert, C.N., Nghe, P., Zamponi, F., Weigt, M., 2024. Towards parsimonious generative modeling of RNA families. Nucleic Acids Res 52, 5465–5477.
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Action financée par la Région Île-de-France