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Alric, H., Mathieu, N., Sebbagh, A., Peré, G., Demarquay, C., Cronemberger, A., Berger, A., Marcel, B., Wilhelm, C., Gazeau, F., Mariani, A., Karoui, M., Clément, O., Araujo-Filho, I., Silva, A.K.A., Rahmi, G., 2024. Thermoresponsive gel embedding extracellular vesicles from adipose stromal cells improves the healing of colonic anastomoses following irradiation in rats. Commun Biol 7, 1–12.
Carr, C.M., Harkova, L.G., McCarthy, R.R., 2024. Engineering biology approaches to modulate bacterial biofilms. Trends in Biotechnology.
Mallozzi, A., Fusco, V., Ragazzini, F., di Bernardo, D., 2024. A Biomolecular Circuit for Automatic Gene Regulation in Mammalian Cells with CRISPR Technology. ACS Synth. Biol.
Monier, M., Lorenzi, J.-N., Narasimha, S., Borne, F., Contremoulins, V., Mevel, L., Petit, R., El Hachem, Y., Graner, F., Courtier-Orgogozo, V., 2024. Adhesive and mechanical properties of the glue produced by 25 Drosophila species. Sci Rep 14, 23249.
Mormin, M., Rigonnot, L., Chalumeau, A., Miccio, A., Fournier, C., Pajanissamy, S., Dewannieux, M., Galy, A., 2024. Cyclosporin H Improves the Transduction of CD34 Cells with an Anti-Sickling Globin Vector, a Possible Therapeutic Approach for Sickle Cell Disease. Human Gene Therapy 35, 896–903.
Río, P., Zubicaray, J., Navarro, S., Gálvez, E., Sánchez-Domínguez, R., Nicoletti, E., Sebastián, E., Rothe, M., Pujol, R., Bogliolo, M., John-Neek, P., Bastone, Antonella Lucía, Schambach, A., Wang, W., Schmidt, M., Larcher, L., Segovia, J.C., Yáñez, R.M., Alberquilla, O., Díez, B., Fernández-García, M., García-García, L., Ramírez, M., Galy, A., Lefrere, F., Cavazzana, M., Leblanc, T., García de Andoin, N., López-Almaraz, R., Catalá, A., Barquinero, J., Rodríguez-Perales, S., Rao, G., Surrallés, J., Soulier, J., Díaz-de-Heredia, C., Schwartz, J.D., Sevilla, J., Bueren, J.A., Río, P., Zubicaray, J., Navarro, S., Gálvez, E., Sánchez-Domínguez, R., Nicoletti, E., Sebastián, E., Rothe, M., Pujol, R., Bogliolo, M., John-Neek, P., Bastone, Antonella L, Schambach, A., Wang, W., Schmidt, M., Larcher, L., Segovia, J.C., Yáñez, R.M., Pérez-Maroto, F., de la Cruz, A., Casado, J.A., Giménez, Y., Álvarez, L., Alberquilla, O., Díez, B., Fernández-García, M., García-García, L., Gómez, A., Galán, A., Ramírez, M., Salgado, R., Galy, A., Lefrere, F., Cavazzana, M., Leblanc, T., Garcia de Andoin, N., López-Almaraz, R., Catalá, A., Barquinero, J., Rodríguez-Perales, S., Rao, G., Surrallés, J., Soulier, J., Díaz-de-Heredia, C., Schwartz, J.D., Sevilla, J., Bueren, J.A., 2024. Haematopoietic gene therapy of non-conditioned patients with Fanconi anaemia-A: results from open-label phase 1/2 (FANCOLEN-1) and long-term clinical trials. The Lancet 404, 2584–2592.
Thouvenot, E., Charnay, L., Burshtein, N., Guigner, J.-M., Dec, L., Loew, D., Silva, A.K.A., Lindner, A., Wilhelm, C., n.d. High-Yield Bioproduction of Extracellular Vesicles from Stem Cell Spheroids via Millifluidic Vortex Transport. Advanced Materials n/a, 2412498.