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Newsletter #12
March 21th, 2024
Dear all,
At BioConvS we believe in science that makes an impact - innovation, but not only. We believe that scientific outreach should be an integral part of every researcher's mission, and for this reason we've co-organised a series of Masterclasses in scientific communication of which the next one will be in a couple of weeks. We're also extremely excited for the Congrès France Bioproduction which will be, this year, here in Paris! Last but not least, if you're interested in aquiring scientific equipment, don't miss the launch of the new SESAME calls from the Région Ile-de-France, including a new grant call: SESAME Feder!
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BioConvS news
Critical thinking and communicative bias: April 3rd
Join us for our second Scientific Communication Masterclass
After the success of the first session, we're happy to share that we were able to open a second session for the upcoming Masterclass on critical thinking in scientific outreach! Join us on April 3rd at 11h - very few spots available! Register on a first-come, first served basis. These events will be in French.
Register before March 28th!
BioConvS propose une série de MasterClass en communication et médiation scientifique. Ouvertes à tous les membres du DIM, ces formations vous permettront d'aborder des thématiques diverses autour d'un petit-déjeuner de 9h à 10h30 :
• 6 Mars : Introduction générale à la communication et médiation (past event)
• 3 Avril : Esprit critique et biais argumentatifs: inscriptions ouvertes
• 3 Mai : Médiation expérimentale / L'expérience
• 11 Juin : Réseaux sociaux
• 5 Juillet : Penser et écrire un projet d'outreach
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes pour une ou plusieurs séances.
Our 2024 PhD call is open until April 22nd
Also this year we will finance 4 PhD fellowships on all BioConvS thematics. You will need to have identified a candidate to participate to this call! Deadline: April 22nd.
Learn more and apply
Innovators of Tomorrow
A few spots are still available to join the dynamic BioConvS network "Innovators of Tomorrow". Any level is welcome, especially young scientists who are just curious about innovation and would like to meet and discuss with like-minded scientists about what is possible out there. Find out more >>
Discover the program
Join BioConvS
Census of BioConvS labs
Starting January 2024, all labs affiliated or wanting to participate in a DIM BioConvS activity will have to be registered. Why? Most importantly because we want to build a cartography of biotherapy, bioproduction and synthetic biology in Ile-de-France and you want to make sure that you're on it!
Fill in the affiliation form
SAVE THE DATE: November 28th 2024
We're excited to announce that the second annual symposium of the DIM BioConvS will be held on November 28th! Stay tuned for more information in the coming months.

Funding opportunities
SESAME Filières :
Support for the structuring of strategic sectors in the Ile-de-France region and the development of technological platforms open to SMEs/ETIs
This call for projects aims to strengthen the strategic sectors of the Ile-de-France region by allowing the use of production means or shared research and development, testing or trial infrastructures. The projects supported must demonstrate a concrete and decisive contribution to the structuring needs of regional sectors by promoting in particular the transfer of technology and better articulation between academic and industrial actors.
This call is co-financed by regional and national investment.
👉 Until June 14th
👉 Up to 2,5M€

Apply until June 14th
Scientific and technological equipment and platforms
The Region strengthens the scientific/technological skills of the Ile-de-France scientific ecosystem by supporting research projects requiring significant material investment.
👉 Apply now
👉 equipments between 0,2 and 3M€

Learn more and apply
The Région announces a new call in the SESAME family:
This call for projects will finance regional-scale research platforms, open to SMEs and falling within one of the strategic innovation areas of the Intelligent specialization strategy (S3).
The call has a 16M€ budget from FEDER European funding.
Projects whose leader is a public or private non-profit research organization are eligible, but it is possible to associate up to 3 partners (research organization, higher education establishment, scientific cooperation foundations, recognized foundations of public utility, SMEs, competitiveness centers, clusters, technical centers
👉 Projects between 12 and 48 months
👉 Applications open on April 4th


Might interest you
Congrès France Bioproduction 2024
If you haven't managed to secure a free ticket with BioConvS, you can still attend by registering directly on the conference's website. The Congrès France Bioproduction is THE place to be for all bioproduction ecocystem!
Register today
Journée Nationale de la Bioproduction et des Biomédicaments
France Biolead announces the creation of a new yearly rendez-vous, the National Day of Bioproduction and Biotherapies (Journée Nationale de la Bioproduction et des Biomédicaments, #JNBB2024). Objectives: Increasing the visibility and attractiveness of the bioproduction of biomedicines sector in France and internationally, as well as raising awareness among the gerenal public on the importance of this sector.
Learn more
1st Innovations for Cell & Gene Therapies Congress
A full day of conferences and meetings with experts from academia, clinical and industry in Cell and Gene Therapies.
Learn more and apply
Job offers
A 2-years postdoc position is available in Ariel Lindners ELiS lab (INSERM/Université Paris Cité) on "Fundamental and applied synthetic biology approaches to RNA-mediated liquid-liquid phase separation" . Read more
Are looking for a job
M2 student in Pharmacotechnie et Biopharmacie with experience in hybrid nanomedicines based on extracellular vesicles for therapy is looking for a PhD. Download the CV
Recent publications
Do you want to see your paper featured in our next newlsetter? Write to

Mével, M., Pichard, V., Bouzelha, M., Alvarez-Dorta, D., Lalys, P.-A., Provost, N., Allais, M., Mendes, A., Landagaray, E., Ducloyer, J.-B., Toublanc, E., Galy, A., Brument, N., Lefevre, G.M., Gouin, S.G., Isiegas, C., Le Meur, G., Cronin, T., Le Guiner, C., Weber, M., Moullier, P., Ayuso, E., Deniaud, D., Adjali, O., 2024. Mannose-coupled AAV2: A second-generation AAV vector for increased retinal gene therapy efficiency. Mol Ther Methods Clin Dev 32, 101187. 

S, Das et al. An empowered, clinically viable hematopoietic stem cell gene therapy for the treatment of multisystemic mucopolysaccharidosis type II. Molecular therapy : the journal of the American Society of Gene Therapy.
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Action financée par la Région Île-de-France