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Newsletter #10
January 15th, 2024
Dear all,
The whole BioConvS team wishes you a happy new year, full of exciting discoveries and scientific breakthroughs.
So much is cooking at BioConvS! We just launched our training program "Innovators of tomorrow", our equipment call is open until the end of January and the dates for our 2024 PhD call will be released next month.
Our first year feedback poll is still open, so do not hesitate to send over your suggestions.
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BioConvS news
Equipment call for grants
Our second call for equipment grants is open until January 31st, 2024. It will finance equipments from 7.5k€, with no upper limit. The total budget for the call is 675k€.
Learn more and apply
Discover the Innovators of Tomorrow
Our flagship innovation program has launched! Tools, networking, mentorship and courses to help young researchers take their first steps in innovation.
Discover the program
Discover our 2024 initiatives:
Are you a young researcher? Do you want to take an active part in BioConvS’ activities? The network of young BioConvS scientists is recruiting! Be an active part in a nascent network to boost your contacts, organise events and so much more.
Get in touch
Do you work on biotherapy, bioproduction or synbio in IDF? Are you curious about innovation? The DIM BioConvS accompanies young scientists to discover innovation. You don't need to have a clear valorisation project in mind, you can just tag along to have access to trainings, market studies, innovation tools. Curious? Join!
But what is BioConvS, exactly? Do you want to know more about what the DIM has to offer? We would also like to get to know you better! Get a DIM representative to join your lab meeting for a chat!
Schedule a meeting
Seminar: "Le boom des CAR-T cells"
On December 14th, 2023, BioConvS and the Société pour l’Encouragement de l’Industrie Nationale co-organised a conference on biotherapy at the Hotel de l’Industrie, in the heart of Paris. This was our first event of a series of networking opportunities between the public and private sector.
Relive the compelling storytelling of Sebastien Amigorena, Helène Nègre and Amanda Silva Brun through the recording of the seminar!
Watch the video of the seminar
Innovative European Postdoctoral fellowship program of Genopole Biocluster
Genopole is recruiting international postdocs! If you know anyone who's got their PhD in the last 4 years and has not spent in France more than 12 months in the last 3 years, this is a great opportunity for them! All nationalities allowed (except French of course).
Lear more and apply
Learn more and apply
Charire d'excellence en biologie/Santé - AAP 2023
The "Chair of Excellence in Biology/Health" grant, part of the Health Innovation 2030 plan, aims to elevate France's global standing in Biology/Health innovation. With an €80 million budget, it supports leading researchers for five years, encouraging significant projects to advance scientific knowledge, innovation in Biotechs/Medtechs, and attract international investments for public health improvement.
Funding available to develop your startup - Innov'up
Call of the Région Île-de-France & BPI to financially support the valorisation of research at all steps of creation. Wanna know more? Next webinar on jan 19!
Learn more about the call
Join the info webinar
Shaker #14
Applications are still open until Feb 4th for the 14th edition of the Shaker program of Genopole, aiming at helping scientists validating their proof of concept and creating a startup. Shaker is an all-included support and an intensive training program without taking any intellectual property or share in the capital.
Learn more and apply
i-Lab innovation competition
The i-Lab innovation competition aims to detect projects for the creation of innovative technology companies and to support the best of them thanks to financial assistance and appropriate support. Until Feb 1st
Learn more
Might interest you
Webinar: discover the Cifre Fellowship
Curious about a PhD at the interface between the public and private sector? Rendez-vous on Thursday, Jan 18 for a free webinar on Cifre fellowships!
Register here
Webinar: Initiatives for health innovation projects from ANSM and EMA
Discover ANSM and EMA and how they can accompany you in your innovation project through this webinar organised by Medicen
Register here
Discover the program and register
HYBRID 2024: Next generation of gene and cell therapies
Feb 8-9, 2024 - Paris
HYBRID is an international event that brings together the foremost Academic research teams, leading innovative French Start-ups, and Pharmaceutical powerhouses, all driven by their visionary pursuits of the Next Generations of Gene and Cell Therapies.
Free MOOC "Innover avec la recherche publique"
Want to know more about how your research can make an impact? Join this free, certifying course organised by Réseau C.U.R.I.E. which is aimed at researchers and doctoral students as part of a campaing to raise awareness around the valorization of their research results.
Learn more and register
Recent publications
Do you want to see your paper featured in our next newlsetter? Write to

Galy, A., Dewannieux, M., 2023. Recent advances in hematopoietic gene therapy for genetic disorders. Archives de Pédiatrie, Gene therapies in pediatrics 30, 8S24-8S31.
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Action financée par la Région Île-de-France