Apply for a conference funding

Every year, BioConvS supports events in Île-de-France around its thematics (bioproduction, biotherapy, synthetic biology) as well as scientific communication events, or events who catalyse the interactions between the private and public sector in biotechnologies.


You can apply to get a BioConvS sponsorship under the following eligibility criteria:

  • You are a public institution or a no-profit association
  • Your event is located in Île-de-France and at least one of the organiser is a French institution
  • Your scientific event is not already receiving funding from the Région Ile-de-France
  • For a scientific event: the thematics of the event are aligned with those of BioConvS (see Thematics)
  • For a science communication event or action: your event promotes one of the BioConvS’ thematics to the general public, or your action includes researchers affiliated to BioConvS
  • You already have a defined preliminary program
  • You can apply for a grant of up to 1000€
  • You have (or are asking for) co-funding for this event (BioConvS cannot be the only sponsor)

Applications will be submitted to the vote of our Executive Committee who gathers on average once a month, so please plan in advance if you want to apply. You will be subsequently notified if your application was successful or not. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, until yearly funds are exhausted.

As BioConvS is a project financed by Région Ile-de-France, we are forbidden to sponsor events which already receive funding from the Région. Please provide the amount of your total budget as well as the list of other sponsors that are confirmed or that you applied to.


If your event is approved and receives funding, you commit to the following points:

  • Display the DIM logo on the website and on all communication materials
  • Invite at least one speaker belonging to the DIM network
  • Allocate space to present the DIM (flash talk or poster presentation)
  • Provide a report of the event
  • Reserve at least 5 spots for the DIM community (in the case of a paid or closed event, and depending on the number of participants, discussion possible on this point)

The participants to the event come from:

Select all that apply

In order to apply for a DIM funding, you have to accept the aforementioned commitments

15 + 6 =

You agree to receive email communication from us by submitting this form and understand that your contact information will be stored with us.

Some funded events 

    Festival Double Sciences

    Le premier festival de la médiation scientifique, 26-28 mai au Ground Control de Paris. Learn more

    Forum Biotechno 2023

    Forum Biotechno is an initiative of the students association Réseau Biotechno to help young scientists get in touch with the industry. The DIM BioConvS, given our mission of catalysing interaction between the public and the private sector, was a gold sponsor of the event. Learn more

    Journée annuelle GDR BioSynSys

    BioConvS hosted the BioSynSys Symposium of synthetic and systems biology, from September 12th to 14th 2022 which took place at the Learning Planet Institute in Paris. Learn more

    Congrès annuel de l'Association Nationale Double Cursus Santé (ANCDS, ex-AMPS)

    Congrès de l’ANDCS — édition 2023 du 7 au 9 juillet 2023 (Institut Imagine, PARIS). L’objectif du congrès de l’ANDCS est de promouvoir l’innovation scientifique et la recherche biomédicale durant trois jours de conférences et d’ateliers. Des présentations étudiantes sont également organisées afin de mettre en valeur les travaux des adhérents. C’est aussi l’occasion d’offrir une grande visibilité aux laboratoires et industries de rattachement des intervenants auprès d’un public réceptif et intéressé par le développement et l’innovation en santé. Learn more